November 14, 2012 Damon Hayhow

Body Recomposition vs Fitness

fitness vs body recomposition

Fitness does not mean ‘lean, ‘energetic’, ‘strong’, ‘toned’, ‘muscular’, ‘athletic’ or any of the other positive terms people mistake it for. Fitness is nothing more than the absence of general physical malaise. To be ‘fit’ is to be ‘suitably able’ to function as a human should. It is, by definition, as physically mediocre as a person should be before they are sick or debilitated.

Body Recomposition is the process of becoming lean, muscular, athletic, toned or whatever other term you prefer for a better body! By definition, Body Recomposition is going BEYOND the mediocrity of ‘fitness’. It involves MEASURED sports performance exercise and diet to achieve a MEASURED, desirable, athletic figure or physique of whatever extreme you desire. Whether you are talking about a flat tummy or pro bodybuilding, its all body recomposition; not fitness!

Critically, Body Recomposition involves the methodical measuring and planning that is critical to success in any endeavour. In direct contrast to ‘fitness’ where the objective is to ‘destroy the body you hate’, body recomposition is creating the body you want, by design!

Who is Body Recomposition For?

Body Recomposition is for any healthy person who wants a good or great body. But it is only for people who are willing to work harder and eat better in order to be better than average and become the best they can be.

Fitness is for every sick to average person to maintain a minimum state of mediocrity. Hence, most Fitness training prescriptions are rehabilitation techniques from Physiotherapy. Unless you were born with an amazing body, things like walking on a treadmill, ‘functional training’, ‘core stability’, swiss/bosu balls, Pilates etc do not create great bodies. They aren’t designed to. They are designed for ‘fitness’ mediocrity. As the names suggest, they are literally training techniques for normal human function and nothing more!


Body Recompositioning focusses solely on the manipulation of bodily fat, weight and muscularity levels as measured by regular body composition testing. All nutritional and exercise interventions are meticulously measured and planned to achieve specific, measured changes in bodyfat and lean, muscle mass.

By contrast, in ‘Fitness’, if anything is measured then they are things such as heart rate, oxygen uptake, flexibility and other amorphous qualities that have no relevance to bodyfat and composition.


Body Recompositioning nutrition is measured and planned to achieve predefined, measured body goals. It is precise, prescribed, purposeful “sports nutrition” requiring true discipline and leading to significant, positive physical change.

Fitness professionals are not legally allowed to prescribe diets! The extent they can help is to ‘recommend’ random ‘healthy’ food choices and malnourishing starvation for indiscriminate ‘weight loss’. Curtin University measured their prescriptions as having a 95% failure rate!


Body Recompositioning exercise is measured and planned strength training. Again, everything has a purpose to achieve a specific body outcome. Training targets are designed to parallel muscularity goals. And the training is structured to work synergistically with the sports nutrition program for ultimate fat loss and muscularity.

‘Fitness’ exercise is deliberately low-intensity, low-risk movements designed to achieve and maintain ‘normal’ physical capability. Concepts like ‘functional training’ and ‘core stability’ are meant literally – they are literally training for normal, non-athletic human function without such maladies as ‘back pain’! They have nothing to do with looking like a gymnast or making the abdominal muscles become visible!


Fitness is literally the minimum physical state a person needs to not be mildly debilitated. If a person abuses themselves badly enough to become ‘unfit’, they can return to fitness quickly and easily with any variety of activities and simply not eating poorly. With 60% of the Australian population deemed ‘overweight’ and ‘unfit’, fitness IS a legitimate need in our society. But do not mistake it for being something aspirational.

Body recompositioning is for anybody who wants to improve their body beyond the mediocrity of being just ‘fit’. It involves the disciplined application of measured strength exercise and sports nutrition to achieve extraordinary improvements in the form and function of the human body. Body Recomposition is what Recomp is all about!

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Damon Hayhow

Damon Hayhow has been in the body recomposition (Recomp) and bodybuilding industry for 30 years as a coach, competitor, gym owner, teacher, sponsor, show promoter, judge and MC. He has won National competitions in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, set world records, and coached others to the same success in strength sport and physique competition.

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Body recomposition diet and training concepts based on logic and reason; not scientism