January 19, 2025 Damon Hayhow

Woke Training for Imaginable Gainz

Robert Förstemann

Here is more proof that the way to build muscle is to train to be slow and weak. Imagine if this cyclist reduced his weights by 90% and slowed down his cycling by 99%, like all the bodybuilding gurus say. He could build up these toothpick legs to something really ‘healthy’.

However, for sprint cycling, he needs toothpick legs because muscle mass makes you slow; as demonstrated in this video. And it makes sense. The human body is biologically programmed to construct new contractile muscle for only one purpose: Instagram follows. Instagram is obviously essential to the survival of the species.

Some athletes – like this cyclist – were willing to sacrifice muscle mass and Instagram follows for performance. So he got strong and skinny, which are interconnected qualities.

To exert more power and force, you obviously need LESS power-generating tissue. If you don’t understand this, you are not woke. This is why the wokest bodybuilders promote light weights and slooooow training. In other words, they promote training to be the weakest, slowest, worst athlete you can possibly be, in order to appear powerful and superhuman… for the Gram.

Getting huge is like changing gender: you need to ‘identify’ as being strong. You need to use your imagination and brainwash youself by constantly repeating asinine cliches like “the muscle doesnt know how much weight you are lifting” and “if you go too heavy then you use every other muscle except the primary muscle responsible for the movement”.

You need to pretend that light weights are really hard and you are a stunning and brave hero who is really training SOOOOO hard.

Lift slowly, like a geriatric cripple, because all the studies on geriatric cripples showed they grew muscle with light weights lifted slowly, and therefore everyone should train like a geriatric cripple in order to become a huge bodybuilder.

Avoid truth and reality at all costs because truth and reality are dangerous misinformation.

Train woke: lift less, gain more…. and take lots of hormones to turn your delusions into reality with no concern for the inevitable regret of your future failure.

Damon Hayhow

Damon Hayhow has been in the body recomposition (Recomp) and bodybuilding industry for 30 years as a coach, competitor, gym owner, teacher, sponsor, show promoter, judge and MC. He has won National competitions in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, set world records, and coached others to the same success in strength sport and physique competition.

Body recomposition diet and training concepts based on logic and reason; not scientism