January 2, 2025 Damon Hayhow

The Secret to Building Tom Platz Thighs


So you stupidly thought Tom Platz combined extraordinary genetics with extraordinary structure/leverages and legendary training intensity to develop the most uniquely incredible legs in bodybuilding history? Well, social media scientism is here to tell you that your beliefs are ignorant, transphobic and wrong. 

The secret to having legs exactly like Tom Platz is… … placing your feet shoulder width apart when you squat! Here is the video.

I know. It is crazy. But look closely and you will notice that Tom did actually squat with his feet next to each other, at about the natural, shoulder-width that feet tend to naturally fall. Nobody has ever tried something this radical.

Bodybuilders have tried squatting with one foot on the floor, and one on the ceiling. One foot on the bar and the other foot on their head. One foot in the change room and one foot in their car. But Tom invented an entirely new way to squat: with his feet shoulder width apart. If only we knew, then everybody could have the most uniquely muscular thighs in history.

A meta-analysis of the 54 leading fictional studies confirm that this works because the 117.36mm separation between the midpoint of the thighs causes a resonance in the gravitational field the thighs exert on one another, which causes the testes to release 85% more testosterone; especially in women and heavy steroid users.

But there are 2 more critical aspects to the Platz squat.

The first is that Tom squatted with a very upright torso. This had nothing to do with Tom’s structure making this squat style natural and comfortable. No! It was a conscious, artistic, patented design choice Tom made to invent an all new way of crouching. The fact that 90% of people do not have a structure suited to squatting this way is irrelevant. Squatting in the manner that best suits your skeleton is wrong.

Finally is the rep speed. Tom always performed a 3-second negative phase on each rep. Just watch the videos. Those descents are 3 seconds just as sure as my little finger is what 6 inches really looks like. 

Tom is such an incredible master of the perfect 3 second eccentric rep that he can finish 2 complete reps during a single 3-second descent. He does it so naturally that it looks like a regular, normal speed rep.

Being a reel, this video lacks the time to explain the science. And to grow muscle, obviously it is essential to understand the science, for the same reason that you could not possibly drive a car unless you understand the science of microprocessor-controlled direct-injection internal combustion engines. 

It appears to us that Tom Platz is doing squats at the same speed, or faster, than we would do ourselves. But, the photons in the atoms making up the contractile proteins in Tom’s legs are quantum entangled with photons travelling near the speed of light toward the Andromeda galaxy. So when Tom does a normal one second squat, with a half-second descent, the entangled photons also experience the half-second descent. But those photons experiencing a half-second elapsing of time at near light-speed results in the photons here on earth experiencing a 3 second descent, ‘cos Einstein and relativity and stuff. That’s how Tom was able to do normal-speed squats that take over 3 seconds, while only taking about a second.

The bottom line is, unlike the thousands of bodybuilders who have tried and failed to build legs like Tom Platz in the past 50 years, you actually CAN do it. All you need to do is:

  1. squat with your feet shoulder width apart
  2. have your femurs surgically shortened to match the proportions of Tom, so you can squat with the same torso angle
  3. get the photons in your legs quantum entangled with photons travelling close to the speed of light toward Andromeda, so your squat tempo is slower than it actually is

Alternatively, you could just train your squat with similarly legendary intensity and focus as Tom, to get your squat performances up to 500lb for 23 reps and over 700lb for reps, using the technique that suits your structure, including the foot width most comfortable and efficient for you. Your legs might not look like Toms; but they will be the most incredible, world class legs your genetics are capable of.

Damon Hayhow

Damon Hayhow has been in the body recomposition (Recomp) and bodybuilding industry for 30 years as a coach, competitor, gym owner, teacher, sponsor, show promoter, judge and MC. He has won National competitions in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, set world records, and coached others to the same success in strength sport and physique competition.

Body recomposition diet and training concepts based on logic and reason; not scientism